Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Winter Remedy: The Green Chocolate Smoothie

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”– Henry Ford

I start today's blog post with this cool quote by Henry Ford as an ode to the lugubrious state of affairs that currently surround my life. As of late, the wind against me has seemed far too strong to take off.

Though I don't tend to view myself as an airplane or any distant relative of such a contraption for that matter, I like the idea. Airplanes, as taken for granted as they are nowadays, magnificently overcome the most powerful force on Earth- gravity. They are the product of painstaking design, engineering, and craftsmanship. They are, with out a doubt, the product of thoughtful and intelligent artists. Aircraft are, in their simplest definition, important. 

So maybe being compared to an airplane isn't half bad. As far as obscure compliments go (remember when William/Ulrich adorably compared Jocelyn to the Bible?) a likeness to the airplane is beautifully understandable. 

Though taking the quote completely out of context, Mr. Ford seemed to want to convey that we must all remember the possibility of finding the good out of the bad, or the warmth out of the cold. 

I don't really know what this all has to do with smoothies, but it has to do with me, and I guess it relates because I made this smoothie. I call it Green Chocolate. 

In the winter, (I'm starting to remember why I decided on the melancholy introductory paragraph) my happiness dims like the short living sun. I cling to warmth by the fireplace and snuggle with those I love for compensation of the great flames of the forgotten summer sky. Smoothies--a cold, refreshing, energizing drink--are the epitome of what summer stands for, which is maybe why I engage in such a love affair with them. It seems in the gray and windy season of Winter, there is not much room for my favorite fuel. 

I wondered, how can this change?

The answer? It's simple: chocolate and mugs. 

Green Chocolate Smoothie

- 7 oz (approx) spinach/kale/swiss chard
- 1/2 - 3/4 cup almond milk 
- small handful of frozen cherries
- 1 banana
- 1 packet Amazing Meal Cafe Mocha blend

As always, blend these ingredients together in your VitaMix. Serves 1. 

I want to talk about mugs. Mugs have a psychological effect on my eating habits that force me to slow down on my drinking. Parrallel to the high-stress, always-on-the-go lifestyle I can never seem to escape, my eating habits have quickened pace as well. When dining with friends, I often find myself the first to finish my meal, and the nagging feeling of not enjoying the dinning experience to the full. A mug, for me, tells me it is time to relax, as I feel when I'm happily sipping my morning coffee or night-time hot tea. 

A mug means you are in your happy place.

I decided the best way to enjoy this smoothie to pour my drink into a mug, sit by the fire, and enjoy every sip. I topped my drink with organic hemp seed and relaxed in the warmth of the red before me. I felt the summer inside myself smiling, thankful that I had found joy in the season of sad. 

Despite the heavy winds, I know we can take off. Maybe we aren't even airplanes, who delay their flights in stormy weather, we are birds, who endure even in a storm. I hope that my readers (all three of you) realize their "happy place" and the essential props accompanying such contentment. For me, all that is needed is some chocolate, a mug, a blanket of warmth surrounding me. 


Chocolate, a mug, and a blanket of warmth surrounding me (:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Smoothie Post: Cookies and Cream!

I got sick. As much as I tried avoiding doorknobs, shaking hands with others, densely populated areas, and human contact in general, I. Got. Sick. 
My last few days have been spent almost entirely snuggled into my covers, moving as little as humanly possible, and marathoning Netflix television shows. Unfortunately, I got the kind of sick that makes you whiney and lazy, but I didn't get the kind of sick that makes you lose your appetite and makes you really skinny. So here I am, feeling really sick and also feeling really fat due to my complete lack of physical activity. 

To compete with my new sedimentary lifestyle, I have developed a revolutionary new smoothie that tastes like just the comfort you need during a sad and pathetic Day of Sickness. 

Introducing: COOKIES AND CREAM SMOOTHIE. It really tastes like cookies and cream. It felt like drinking a hug. And who doesn't want a hug when they're sick??

Cookies n' Cream Smoothie 

Ok I am going to give you the simple recipe for this, but in exchange, I want you to make this smoothie and drink it. I know you guys just like to read my posts but don't actually make these smoothies, but I promise you that it really tastes delicious. This is the perfect transitional smoothie to get you into the healthier swing of things. 

Still making excuses not to make it? To help you decide, I've provided below a list of indicators that you need to make and drink this smoothie. If after reading, you feel you do not identify with any of these traits, I will fairly allow you to move on with your life. But just know--I honestly feel sorry for you, for you have lost out on so much. And you will most probably die alone, if you don't count you 37 cats.

Try this smoothie if you:
-Want to get more greens in your diet
-Need a meal, but are in a time crunch
-You are a vegetarian having trouble incorporating protein in your diet
-Craving a healthy dessert alternative
-Like cookies and cream
-Are an awesome, super-cool, person that looks really good in the color black 

If you experience one or more of the things above, congratulations! You qualify to drink this amazingly awesome Cookies and Cream smoothie!

-1/2-1 cup almond milk 
-1 banana
-frozen berries (I used cherries in the photos below, but blueberries or strawberries also work)
-as much spinach (or kale, mixed greens, etc) as you can fit (seriously, stuff those bad boys in there)

I meant it when I said, "stuff as much spinach as you can in that bad boy!"
This batch yielded about 40 oz. If you replace one meal a day for one cup, or 8 ounces, of a green smoothie, this amount will last you around five days. It took me less than 10 minutes to prepare and serve this smoothie. Aside from the amazing health benefits (which I will get to later), think of all the time that would be saved by cooking this up at the beginning of your week!

Read about replacing your meals with smoothies and how to portion them here.

As far as the health benefits go, this smoothie is the living definition of "nutritious and delicious".

Because there are so many benefits, and I am an incredibly lazy human being, below I have provided links proving the substance of these ingredients.

Read about how almond milk compares to cow's milk here.
Read a nutritional overview of banana's here.
Read about the connection between eating strawberries and blueberries and good heart health here.
Read about the importance of incorporating greens in your diet here.
Read the nutritional information of the Herbalife formula here.

Though I'm iffy about this Herbalife formula, this brand of almond milk is totally GREAT. Completely GMO FREE!!

I hope I have convinced you to give this smoothie a shot. While I believe this is totally delicious, I recommend using this formula seldom, and more as a transitional aid into more natural recipes, than as a long term meal replacement. I say this because, while it does contain factors such as high protein and a variety of great vitamins, the Cookies n' Cream formula is NOT organic.

Still, it is a great alternative to chowing down on this. (;
So, if you are in need of a treat, I urge you to try this super tasty, super delicious smoothie. It might just make you so happy that you end up having a super awesome day!

Thanks for reading and happy eating!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Best Midnight Snack You Will Ever Eat

So here I am this Saturday night wasting away my worries in Netflix and snotty tissues (I'm sick right now- I don't just keep messy tissues around), when I realized the perfect thing to compliment this marathon of The Carrie Daires would be a delicious spoonful of raw peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough. 
The moment quickly passed when I remembered the ridiculous rule I have set to keep sweets away from the fridge in fear of uncontrollably binging on them while late-night marathoning of The Carrie Daires. Creatively enough though, i conjured up a delisciously healthy alternative that won't keep me too long from the TV. So, here is my totally wholesome alternative for a late-night super-sweet-peanut-butter-chocolate craving. 

Ingredients (only 3!!)
-freshly ground peanut butter
-local honey 
-semi-sweet vegan chocolate chip cookies
Mix all the ingredients together. When I was making my mix, I only had  about 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and maybe two tablespoons of chocolate chips. I poured the CCs in the peanut butter but there wasn't enough peanut butter. So out of desperation, I added a spoonful of almond butter to the mix (yeah, things got super wild tonight). Oddly enough, the mix tasted pretty good!! It was a perfect combination of chunky and smooth, plus the whole chocolately and savory bit. 
Moral of the story: it is 2:24 in the morning right now and my writing capabilities are quickly crumbling. I must bid adieu!! Plus I don't want to be distracted because Carrie is about to tell Sebastian how she never really got over his kissing Maggie and... omg I need a life. 


Thursday, November 13, 2014

How GMOs Are Taking Over the World

Amid a flourishing world of capitalism, poverty, population expansion, and economic crisis, there also exists the world of food. As humans, we eat to live, and sometimes live to eat, but what has happened in recent history to humanity’s favorite pastime has turned everything on its toes. Introducing: GMOs. GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms are, as the agrochemical and agricultural powerhouse of a company Monsanto defines, “plants or animals that have had their genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs.” The World Health Organization throws in their two cents describing the robot plants as “organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.” Gone are the days of the lounging ancient Greeks who were dangle fed organic grapes containing no hints of pesticides. Farewell to the cowboys of the Wild West who were able to confidently consume the added-hormone-free meat of their cattle. We have now entered a new age. Food is no longer mere livelihood or supplement—it is big business. In fact, the business has become so big, that buying local item at a supermarket is practically impossible. Inevitably, with big business comes greed, deception, and even moral detriment. Genetically modified organisms are the result of large corporations greed that effects can be felt universally—from the white-collar family, to the poor and starving.
“Genetically Engineered Foods”, “Genetically modified organisms,” or GMOs, are organisms that have been created through application of transgenic, gene-splicing techniques that are part of biotechnology. These transgenic methods for moving genes around are also called “genetic engineering,” or GE.
Playing with the genetics of plants and organisms is a relatively new science. This is how the process works: scientists take DNA (genetic material) from one species and artificially introduce it into a totally unrelated organism. This creates transgenic organisms with combinations of genes from plants, animals, bacteria, and even viral gene pools. The mixing of genes from different species that have never shared genes in the past is what makes GMOs and GE crops so unique (or—cough, cough—unnatural). There is no possible way to create the same output through traditional cross-breading methods. Genetically engineered foods open a whole new realm of unforeseen possibilities.
GMOs are, in fact, changing the world—but not for the better. Many argue the benefits of GM crops as expanding job growth, decreasing world hunger, and feeding a growing population. While those ideas sound all fine and dandy, the facts just don’t seem to back them up.
It seems like common sense that consumers have the right to know what goes into the foods they are eating. It is law, after all, for companies to list their ingredients and nutritional information on their containers. So, why then, are American consumers still being kept in the dark on their GMO purchases?
Since the mid 1990s, an increasing number of countries have adopted labeling policies for genetically modified food. The first labeling policies were introduced by the European Union (EU) in 1997, but since then over 40 other countries, including Australia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Japan and China, label genetically modified foods. The United States is currently not on that list. However, Americans want to see GMOs labeled. Polls show that more than 9 of 10 Americans want defined designation of GMOs. The demand for branding transparency has greatly increased, yet nothing has changed .
  The so-called most important meal of your day, unfortunately but it has also fallen victim of the GMOs giant. The most common genetically engineered ingredients–corn, soy and canola oil–find their way into 70 percent of popular processed foods like breakfast cereal, cookies, chips, soda and frozen meals. But that’s not enough. Now, biotechnology companies are lobbying the government to let them market new crops and a genetically engineered fish. Sadly enough, this will probably happen. Gross.
“Oh, but they’re perfectly safe! No one has died… yet,” says the nameless Kellogg’s funded GMO researcher. Despite that convincing argument, the long-term safety of genetically engineered foods has not been proved. All government agencies need to approve GMOs infiltrating American supermarket shelves are a few quick studies involving short-lived laboratory animals. These studies cannot determine the long-term consequences when humans eat genetically engineered foods throughout their entire lifetime. Some scientists have documented their observations of changes in their animal subjects’ metabolism who were fed genetically engineered foods, however no one is funding that route of research.
  GMOs harm biodiversity and also encourage a new strain of weeds that are extremely difficult to uproot. Many genetically engineered crops are engineered to withstand high doses of pesticides. Not even a bucket of Roundup could kill Dole’s weakest GMO tomato. The nonselective process of planting these crops plus the inevitable use of the pesticides associated with them has led to pesticide-resistant superweeds. A vicious cycle thus ensues where farmers use more and stronger pesticides to combat superweeds but the weeds learn to resist, and even stronger pesticides must then be used on our “fresh foods”. Not only that, but genetically engineered crops and their partnered pesticides also harm the beneficial insects that roam the crops. This includes butterflies. Butterflies, guys... I mean, come on, what did they do to you?
One thing GMO advocates stand strongly by their technology for is its potential to solve world hunger. Yet here we are, in the year 2014, with a starkly opposite reality. After nearly two decades, genetically engineered crops have failed to make any meaningful difference for the hungry. Instead, GMO crops drive out locally adapted crop varieties that are suited to particular soils and climates, undermining sustainability and resilience of local farms around the world and contributing to hunger globally.

Genetic engineering hasn’t ended hunger and has no hopeful prospect of doing so. These foods, then have no value other than to make substantial amounts of money and provide business to those with a greedy appetite. Genetically modified or engineered foods only hurt, and do not help, consumers across the nation. While other countries have pushed away these unnatural practices, the United States embraces these foods, blindly pursuing them towards their people. It seems that as time goes on, the prospect of returning to the blue-skied, wild America that once existed—where cowboys and Indians eat their organic crops in peace—fades farther and farther away.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quick Vitamin C Power Punch

With sickness abound, Vitamin C is a must. Here's a quick recipe for one I whooped up in my Magic Bullet.

-5 oz of Organic Girl Super Greens
-1 sliced orange
-a splash of water
-1 packet of Lipospheric C

Place the greens in first, with the orange slices where they will be closest to the blades. Add a dash of water for easier blending. Gradually add the rest of the greens. Finally add the Liposheric C. 

These ingredients are all packed with Vitamin C and will leave you feeling happy and vibrant! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


It's literally 2:39 AM right now and all I can think about is this delicious drink I had tonght. It's a different brand of Kombucha that I normally buy, so it has different flavors. I tried WILD ROOT tonight. 


I don't even like root beer but this tastes like root beer but like a better version of root beer it's like awesome. 

I think it might give you energy too because I drank this like three hours ago and I can't sleep omg 

I'll update other flavors asap!! Because I know you all are just dying to know.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Be Well Smoothie: A Remedy for Body and Spirit

Ah, Autumn... The season of reflection and change. The months of September and October act as a transition from yesterday's Summer into tomorrow's Winter. The days gets shorter, and the darkness creeps into the light. It is during this transitional season that night and day become equally prominent in our lives. 

Writer Gary Thorp once said: "Sometimes there is no remedy for our situation than to begin from a point of absolute darkness. Turning off a television set and extinguishing a lantern have certain similarities; they are both abrupt and transition making, and can leave us in a different world. In darkness, we are always on our own." 

When we let go from our futile securities, we then find ourselves completely in the dark. It is then when we have nothing to rely on but ourselves. As we watch the leaves of seasons past flutter to the ground, we are reminded that nature's cycles are mirrored in our own lives. Autumn is a time for letting go and cleansing things that have been a burden. For this reason, I realize now is the time--the season, rather--for a transition from damaging habits to healthy practices.

Starting today, I will be posting a series of updates about my new "Transitional" period. I'll try my best to update at least once a week!

Today, I want to focus on transitioning from physically ill to mentally healthy. While Fall is doubtlessly beautiful and fruits delicious seasonal treats, it can also be a high time for unwanted illnesses. The past few days, for me, have been spent completely indoors, with a box of tissues and cozy blanket nearby at all times. There is not much else besides a comfy bed and a good book that will make sick days enjoyable, but the Blonde Smoothie has found something else to add to the quintessential Sick Day list.

Instead of a normal cup of Joe, my aching throat was asking for something a little more soothing this morning. Suggested by my lovely mother, I opted for a cup of warm water with lemon instead. Though sounding incredibly simple, I was amazed by the power one sip of this drink contained. My throat felt immediately soothed, a citrus fuzz tingling down with each sip. Lemon water has long been known as a healthy, beneficial drink, but I had always thought it too plain to be something worth trying. I was wrong. Experts suggest drinking a cup of warm lemon water everyday to promote a more energized and cleansed lifestyle. Even Lauren Conrad is on the amazingly cool lemon water bandwagon. This drink is not just for sick days, but for everyday. I suggest all (2 of) my readers to try it!
Lemon water holds many health benefits, including soothing a sore throat in despair.

Up next on today's list of remedies was, naturally, my Be Well Smoothie. I kind of just made this up on the spot, but it ended up being actually kind of delicious...

-1 peeled orange
-1 sliced apple
-1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
-5 oz spinach
-1 banana
-1 tbsp maca powder
-1 cup frozen blueberries

Make sure you get the orange and apple towards the bottom of the blender so their juice will act as the smoothie's liquid base.
Place the ingredients in the blender in the order listed above. By having the water-dense fruits placed closest to the blades, you eliminate the need for an added liquid base (no water, almond milk, etc). If your blender is not powerful enough to tackle all these ingredients at once, I suggest blending the orange first, on its own, and gradually adding handfuls of spinach until you've added it all. Then, continue with the remaining ingredients. 

I named this smoothie "Be Well" because of the awesome, bug-fighting nutrients packed inside. Each ingredient was chosen based off its relevance to fighting illnesses. 

Oranges are packed with Vitamin C, which will strengthen your immune system and reduce the length of your sick days. 

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but in all actuality, there may be some truth in the saying. Apples acts as both a natural antihistamine and an anti inflammatory. Antihistamines are used to relieve allergy symptoms, which is why you might be prone to popping a couple Benadryl tablets around this time of year. 

Apple Cider Vinegar is known for its many health benefits, so I honestly just kind of randomly threw it in the mix. However, it is a cleanser, which will not hurt when your body is being attacked from forces within.  

Adding spinach was a given. Along with its countless other health benefits, this nutrient dense plant is acts as an anti-inflammatory. It is the perfect food to fuel an weak body. 

Bananas are just awesome, so I always include them in my smoothies. Not just because of the creamy texture they add to a blend, but their powerful depression-fighting nutrients. Bananas contain high levels of tryptophan, which converts into serotonin--the chemical in your brain that makes you feel like this. So bananas are an obvious choice to someone who might feel down in the dumps because of their current health status!

There are several benefits of adding Maca to your Be Well smoothie. Maca, a root belonging to the radish family, is rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It also provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids. It doesn't end there, Maca's awesome health benefits will have you mixing this powder into everything you eat. 

Blueberries are very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper, selenium, zinc, iron, among other nutrients. These nutrients boost up your immune system so that you will be less likely to catch another cold, fever, or any type of viral and bacterial communicable diseases.

So, Autumn... The season of reflection and change. While the light in our lives inevitably fades to darkness, we must find time to balance the power between the two. Nature finds a balance between the light and the dark. May we be inspired to do the same. Toxicity will always swarm throughout our lives, but the beauty in existing is being able to find health and happiness despite our dark conditions. 

My transition this week was finding happiness in a situation where even getting out of bed seemed despairing. If you are struggling with feeling under the weather, I urge you to seek for the light. Treat yourself to healthy habits and pleasant thoughts. Your body will be soon to catch up (-:

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Mango Kale Power Smoothie

With everything going on in my life right now, I've been having a hard time getting my greens in. So this morning I decided I needed to squeeze as much salad as I possibly could into my breakfast drink. When I opens the refrigerator door, I noticed a random, perfectly ripe mango, begging to be eaten. So, I for that reason I made the Mango Kale Power smoothie, as a excellent way to start the day. 

- 7 ounces of Organic Girl Baby Kale mix
- about half a cup of almond milk
- 1 sliced mango
- 1 frozen banana 
- a handful of frozen strawberries 
- 1 scoop of Vega One protien powder in French Vanilla 

To begin, I put the first two ingredients into the blender until the kale is blended into a liquid base. From there, I add the rest of the ingredients. This delicious recipe serves about two. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Product Review: Lush Cosmetics

Hey guys! Welcome to my first beauty product review! 
With the summer sun fading away, our skin grows less dependent on the depth of a glowing tan, but more so on the quality of our daily routines. With that in mind, I've recently integrated into my routine products from the trendy LUSH Cosmetics brand. 

While I've long been familiar with the store's delicious, fizzing bath bombs (omg j'adore) and signature Dream Cream (holy cow, the silkiest moisturizer ever), I have since kept a safe distance from those smell-good body treats upon learning of their high synthetic ingredient content. 
You can imagine the weird emotional conflict I felt when the brand opened a location in my town's local mall. The products I used to live for, were finally so close, but I knew better than to waste money on harmful products. 
LUSH, however, has reinvented itself. A quick view on their website will prove they've removed the synthetic preservatives and left only their yummy handmade body blessings. 
On our recent trip abroad, my bestie let me borrow her stash of LUSH's Dark Angels skin rub (starting at $12.95). I quickly fell in love with the massaging sensation. Made of a combination of black sugar and charcoal, the rich scrub is lusciously thick but pleasantly smooth. Immediately, you will feel cleansed and exfoliated, but your skin will NOT look red and will NOT be damaged. The best part is probably the fact that you can buy it in large quantities! (This made me feel considerably less guilty about using it all over my body, not just exclusively in little portions on my face.) I ended up loving this scrub so much, I went to that local store and bought myself a container as soon as I got home. 

While there, I was recommended by the store clerk to purchase a small container of a signature moisturizer called Imperialis ($24.95). After doing some research, I realize that this moisturizer is sort of the beginning stage for LUSH newbies. If you are unsure of your specific skin needs, a clerk will direct you to this product. "It's light and guaranteed not to flog pores," she told me with a smile. "Sweet!" I thought. Just what I've been needing. A miracle moisturizer that will give me perfect skin. I bought my products and, for the next few days used them both day and night. 
While I continued to love the Dark Angels sensational scrubbing, I hated everything about Imperialis. The smell was awful, the texture greasy, and the container made it difficult to get the appropriate single serving. Not only that, but after three days of using the moisturizer, I noticed several new breakouts! Everyone's skin is different but I would NOT recommend Imperialis to someone with semi-acne prone skin--it will only make things much much worse. Though it's listed as the last ingredients, Imperialis also contains parabens, which  is a type of preservative linked to causing cancer. So this is obviously NOT something you want sitting on your skin all day and night! 

Still, I'm glad I went back to LUSH. its second chance was way over due! I love what the brand stands for--wholesome, reliable quality and a candidness between maker and client--but I will still continue to be cautious while shopping there. 
I encourage all my readers to CHECK LABELS! Just because something says "Handmade" that doesn't mean it is 100% organic or good for you. Also, just because something works well on one person, it does not mean that it will work well on you. So be like me and use discretion by borrowing the thing from your friends before you go out and buy it yourself (;

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Delicious 5 Minute Salsa

Hey guys! Here's a new blog post coming at cha. So, after a long, busy day, it felt good to go to the gym and relieve some stress. When I get home from a workout, I'm almost always starving enough to eat my foot. Why? Because it's filling and convenient. Instead if chewing on body parts, though, tonight, I decided to quickly fix up some delicious salsa! ¡Qué rico!

This simple recipe is a variation of one I found on this cool website called I encourage you to check them out! 

Their recipe is as follows:

- 29 oz of canned, peeled and sliced tomatoes 
- 1 bunch fresh cilantro
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- salt and pepper to taste 

For my try, I did things a smidgen different. Instead of using completely peeled tomatoes, I combined tomato sauce with canned chopped tomato and green chills peppers. This gave it a little bit of texture while still feeling smooth. 
For the cilantro, I chopped it quickly by sliding my knife vertically through the leaves on all sides, and then began chopping horizontally on the remaining middle leaves. After, I'll quickly spread the leaves out on my cutting board and try to pick out the stems from within them. I LOVE cilantro so I put in as much as I could. 
I varied a little bit with the garlic by adding one extra clove than the recipe called for. 

For seasoning, I added fresh crushed black pepper and whole bunch of coarse sea salt. I found that it still wasn't spicy enough though so I added some extra spice by mixing in about a tablespoon of chili peppers. Zesty

This quick recipe was a hit with my family, and honestly myself as well! We ate the whole bowl in an hour! Even though the recipe was so simple, the flavors were so deliciously complex. 

Tomatoes are a fruit containing a relatively high water content, making them a great snack food to quickly satisfy hunger. They have endless health benefits so this tasty snack is also good for you too.

This recipe shows how easy is is to quickly throw together a snack that will keep you feeling clean, light, full and satisfied! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Yesterday's Meeting Look

Yesterday for my meeting I wore a white H&M classic blouse with an eggplant BCBG pencil skirt and black Charlotte Russe pointed-toe flats. 

Oh yeah, and always the random hair tie on the wrist.

The key was to match an overly modest piece with something that clinches with waist and hips. 

"Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to show you're a lady." 
~Marilyn Monroe

Friday, August 29, 2014

Date-Me Smoothie

Hey guys! I know I haven't been posting too much lately and I apologize for that. 
"I accept your apology."
(Sorry I saw The Giver this week and now my mind is all black and white and only speaks in the most precise language.)
But as far as the lack of posts go, I can say it has been for good reason: I have actually been busy! Yes, that's right. I have actually occupied my time now with bettering myself instead spending my time on a public website only talking about it. 
My mornings have started early this week, which means no more sleeping in. However I did catch a break this morning, when I was able to sleep in at least an hour later than normal.
Half awake, I walked downstairs to begin my normal morning routine. I took my vitamins, grabbed a snack for later in the day, and finally, began pouring my coffee. Since I had woken up so late, though, the coffee that my mother made this morning was already cold. 
So, being the smoothie-minded girl that I am, I poured what was left in the coffee pot in the Vitamix, and whooped up a new recipe. Ladies and gentlemen, I call this The Date-Me Smoothie.

Ingredients (serves one)
- one frozen banana
- 2.5 ounces of Organic Girl Power Greens
- 1 cup chilled coffee
- two scoops Herbalife healthy meal formula in Cookies n' Cream
- 3 to 5 pitted dates 

Place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. 

I say this serves one, but I had a hard time drinking all 20ish ounces of this. The dates plus the banana create a very think and filling drink, even though it may not look like such. If you find you cannot drink it all in one sitting, it might be a good idea to save what's left for a later time. Like when you need healthy remedy to fulfill a hankering sweet tooth. 

This smoothie is bound to make you feel confident and strong throughout your day. The protien powder will add liveliness and energy to your day, and the greens will give you a gorgeous glowy essence. 

Stand tall and be beautiful today. And remember, with this smoothie, you won't need a boy to have the perfect date! *kissey face emoji*

I apologize for the cheesiness. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

New Smoothie Recipe: The Power Blonde

When I woke up this morning (ugh, okay, afternoon. I'm working on it, okay?), I was embraced by a much needed sense of renewal. I spent my first few hours of consciousness tanning by the house pool, soaking in my daily dose of vitamin D. Ah, summer. 
After a quick swim, and a substantial shot of the summer sun, I felt the need for a tasty breakfast drink to fuel and envigorate the rest of my day. Introducing The Power Blonde - a smoothie for super heroines, Greek goddesses, and everyone in between. 

-5 oz of Organic Girl Super Greens
-1 cup of Vanilla So Delicious Coconut Yogurt
-1 handful of frozen strawberries
-1 frozen banana
-1/2 cup of almond milk
-1 scoop of Vega One nutritional shake in French Vanilla
-1 tablespoon of Hemp seeds

Add all ingredients into the blender. If you do not have a high powered blender, I recommend blending the salad, milk, and yogurt first, by themselves. Once blended, add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and top with a tablespoon hemp seeds. 

This smoothie seems daunting because of the heavy amount of greens in it, but I promise you the final product is sweet and admittedly delicious. 

This smoothie is great after a tough Crossfit sesh or time spent out in the dehydrating sun. Whatever your day entails, this smoothie is bound to help you power through.

*punching emoji* 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

This "New Me" is Failing Horribly

This week of cleansing and inner renewal has fallen flat on it's face... Let me explain.
Monday began with high hopes, but at a considerably late start- 1 in the afternoon is still morning, right?? Not only did it begin with non eventful gusto, but the day ended equally as miserable with fried food from Pei Wei as dinner (EEK!). 
The rest of the week seemed to follow suit. Though I was going to bed earlier, I was sleeping over 12 hours each night, which would bring me to wake up around 10-12 each morning... Not much of a fresh start...
I did try exercising. A 5k run/walk on Tuesday felt invigorating and motivating, but I felt severe pressure on my knees that I have never felt in my life. Pressure in my knees can only mean one thing: I'm getting really fat. 
As if the weak workout wasn't warning enough, Wednesday included four pieces of French Toast for a REALLY late dinner (11 pm). This dinner only restored my faith in my gluten intolerance as I woke up in the middle of Wednesday night with excruciating nausea. 
This leads me to today. Thursday. Where I am laying hopelessly in bed, recovering from last night's wheat overload. 
That French toast was really delicious though. But not worth the belly pain. 
So, if you're like me, and an estimated 20 million others with gluten sensitivity, but you still want to enjoy the yummy things in life, I've created a quick, simple, tasty, mostly organic, natural, and totally blonde smoothie approved, Gluten-Free French Toast recipe. 

Easy Gluten-Free French Toast
Ingredients: (per slice of bread)
-Udi's Milet-Chia Gluten-Free bread 
-1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil 
-1 tablespoon (or more, to taste) maple syrup 
-cinnimon, sprinkled on top to taste
-torbinado/brown/coconut sugar, sprinkled on, to taste. 

After you have your bread and put all the ingredients on, pop the slices into the microwave for about 45 seconds to 1 minute. It should be warm and soft. Enjoy with coffee or a glass of almond milk!! 

This treat is a good way to satisfy a craving sweet tooth with wholesome, good-for-you ingredients. 

While the freshly baked whole wheat is delicious and satisfying, it is so bad for my cleanse and overall health. Ever since I have begun cutting certain foods out of my diet (i.e. Gluten, dairy, wheat, meat, refined sugar) I've been able to precisely identify the foods that bother me. While I was tested for a gluten allergy (and it came back positive) I never believed I had a problem until I was able to feel it's effects on me myself. I could never contribute my overall sluggish feeling and crampy belly to a single problem. It wasn't until I viewed myself as a science project, changing my dietary variables, until I found the right solution for me. 
I emplore my readers who suffer from chronic aches, pains, fatigue, headaches, etc, to asess your diet. There could be factors in the foods you consume that could be changed. It could very well lead to a healthier life. It is hard, and I understand that. After feeling completely motivated last week for a change, I am still struggling to get back to my healthy habits. 
But, despite it all, here's to another week of trying, progress, and positive thinking. 


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Week Back Home Leaves Me Depressed and Chunky

It's officially been a week since I have been home in Oklahoma. I have physically said my goodbyes to the glistening blue of the Aegean sea, and the wistful whites of the Santorini walls. Mentally, however, I am still frolicking through the decks of the Silver Sea cruise ship wearing little more than my bikini and worry-free smile.
But, life. Life, doggonit! My week back home has been horrible. I have been suffering severe post-vacation depression, which, for me, involves eating everything in sight, whether it's food or not. Also, I have had family in town, staying at my family's house, during almost everyday since our return. Though their company has been helpful for my spirits, it has been detrimental for my waistline. Already pushing it from the daily doses of croissants and gelato from Greece, with the loving help of daily (breakfast, lunches and) dinners out, I'm now pushing towards a size four... Which reminds me, I have yet to have my fourth slice of coffee cake today.


But, Molly, I love coffee cake! And I'm already chubby, why not just embrace it?

BECAUSE, you dietary idiot!! COFFEE CAKE IS FULL OF SUGAR AND SATURATED FAT. Do you WANT to die an early death?

No ): I guess not. But I am sure as heck not in the mood for any darn smoothies.

I have been jet lagged, and tired, nauseous, and cranky for a week straight. Now, you might even add insanity to the list, as I have finally begun having arguments with myself on a public blogsite.

I have decided that since I have let myself get so far off tract, to the point where I don't even enjoy green smoothies any more (gasp!), I need to begin a total New Me Makeover project. With a new school year about to begin, and summer coming to a close, I feel this is a perfect time for change. I am not planning to start now, but once all my family has gone home, and I am able to find time for myself, I will begin my healthy lifestyle makeover.

Naturally, I will blog my progress. My makeover will involve not only healthy eating, but healthy thinking and healthy activities.

As much as I love spending my last precious weeks of summer lounging around in my pajamas all day and feeling sorry for myself, enough is enough. It is time for a change back to my healthy lifestyle, and I am honestly feeling excited.

NEW ME Begin Date: Monday, 18 August 2014

Can't wait! ..but until then, coffee cake, anyone? (;

Sunday, August 3, 2014


SANTORINI!! One of the most beautiful places in the world. Oh my goddess (it's a Greek thing, you wouldn't understand... Actually it's not a thing at all but let's just pretend.) I never want to leave! Every corner exposes a unique glimmer of the town's personality. The streets are narrow, washed white, and filled with wide-eyed tourists. There is something about this island that makes you feel otherworldly, yet incredibly at home. 

Flowers cover miles of the town. Every home casually sports a personal botanical garden framing each window. 

Donkeys and mules were used to rebuild the city after an enormous volcano eruption of the early settlements on the island. Today, these animals are used to transport willing tourist up and down the steeping cliffs.

The sights in Santorini are continuously breathtaking. Here is the view from a local linen shop, overlooking the ruins of an Ancient Greek castle. 

Famous for it's white-washed walls and blue dome cathedrals, I donned my own ode to the traditional Grecian white and blue combo with this little sundress from Anthropology. I thought the bright colors would look great against the cool tones of the town. 
Since the weather is hot and the sun is almost inescapable, I opted for a loose side braid, pinning my hair away from my face. 
The cool sea breeze kept me from sweating my face away, but I quickly understood why many Greek women decide to trot around town in little more than bikini tops and cut offs. 

The fruit in the places we have visited has been phenomenal. I found this gem of a fruit stand off the side of a cliff! It's casual. 
A must try in Santorini: local watermelon. It's uniquely delicious, with uncharacteristically large seeds for it's breed.

For dinner: omg. Omg. Best food ever. Almost. Maybe. Idk. But guys OMG it was so good. Recommended to us by our tour guide, we ate at a restaurant called Sunset. From our table not only did we have a breathtaking view of the upcoming finale show of the day's setting sun, but also very noticeable portraits of celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey with her arms around the restaurant's owner. The owner and a companion of his happened to be sitting down for their own dinner at the table just behind us. As we ate, a young, beautiful European couple was brought to them for some sort of introduction. As they exchanged (greek) words, I heard the young couple mention Istanbul (I assume they were answering the "where are you from?" question), and the owner's face lit up. These four strangers hit it off immediately. They spoke cheerfully for quite some time, until the young couple finally returned to their seats to enjoy their meal. This moment struck me. It was incredibly beautiful to watch two pairs of strangers collide into this sort of mutual enjoyment. What a beautiful entertainment to see human beings discovering what a small world it truly is. 

Later on in the day, I, too, experienced this sort of "small world" Europa myself. But I'll get to that later (:


I am usually a vegetarian, but I can't pass down a fresh plate of sea food. At Sunset, I ordered down a bowl of traditional Greek salad and a large plate of steamed muscles in white wine sauce. Sooo good. And such a picturesque meal. 

The best muscles I've ever had!

Not pictured is the amazing spaghetti my mom ordered. Jayden, who "tried" half the bowl, says she will always remember it as the best spaghetti she has ever put in her mouth. I have never seen this girl be more enthusiastic over a meal. She says that she must return to have another bowl, so we have added Sunset in Santorini, Greece to our travel bucket list (which we might hopefully accomplish sometime next year).

Talk about fresh! These octopi greeted us on our way to our restaurant... 

After dinner we caught a glimpse at one of Santorini's famous sunsets. There is not much I can say here than that these photos don't justice to the moment. Watching nature's nightly performance was spiritually uplifting. In Santorini, you will feel at peace just by watching something as normal as the sun setting for the evening. 

This lady was so enlightened by the sunset, she enthusiastically screamed her joy in Japanese, smile wide in her face.

She ended each chant with an English song of "I LOVE YOU!" And moved into a ballet-esque pose with her hands above her head. Despite the laughs she received, she repeated this multiple times. Tourists, amiright?

We ended our evening not long after sunset. As we were walking back to the port, we ran across a peculiar little pedicure spa with tanks of flesh eating fish (!!), so it was obviously something that Jayden and I wanted to try. We go in. For 10€ for 15 minutes each, we get a full-foot exfoliation treatment by little fishies. At first it was terrifying, but after the initial 30 seconds of shock, the sensation felt like minuscule vibrations, and eventually, I even felt relaxed. For a moment, I even considered plunging in for a full body treatment (which they offer). Will someone open one of these spas back home?

Anyway, while we were in here two girls that almost eerily resemble Jayden and I, one blonde, one brunette, sit down for their first treatment, too. They put their feet in, completely unfazed by the monsters eating their skin. We start talking to these brave girls, and upon realizing their obviously American accents, we ask them where they're from. "Oh, we're students at the University of Oklahoma," one of them says. "We're sisters, and we're traveling abroad." 
It was such a small moment, but it felt great to meet someone from home, so far away from where home really is. 
There is just something about Santorini that makes you simultaneously feel so away from the world, yet powerfully connected to your roots. 

I love you, Santorini.