Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Mom's Purple Power Drink

After a long jog this morning, I came home famished. "Feed me," I groaned to the air as I dragged my feet accross the wooden kitchen floor. My mother heard my calls of distress. "Don't worry, boo boo," she says to me. "I gotchu."

(none of this actually happened)

Moral of the story is my ghetto fabulous momma saved the day with an even more fabulous smoothie. She calls it "Purple Power".

Here's how to do it, momma style:

- 1 peeled orange
- 4 oz of Kale 
- 1 serving of fruit flavored protien powder (we use FEM Intest Restore Advanced powder in Natural Cherry flavor)*
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 
- 5 oz of frozen blueberries 
- 1 frozen banana

Place all the items in your blender. Most smoothie recipes will call for a liquid base. This one is unique in that it uses the juice from the orange in place of a liquid, thus creating an easy, sip-able, smoothie texture. 

This recipe serves one. Don't be daunted by the proportions. You'll have a lot to drink!! But this will be your post workout meal- your recovery. You won't be hungry with this drink, you will be full and energized. Drink all of this throughout today and your body will thank you with a good workout tomorrow!

Here's a pic of my mom excitingly pouring herself a drink... She's like the green smoothie version of Don Draper... What a lush.  

*more on FEM: It is basically a special blend of nutrients designed specifically for female health. Read more about it here

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